
Gentlemans Pistols

Hard Rock | UK
  • James Atkinson Guitars / Vocals
  • Bill Steer Guitars
  • Douglas McLaughlan Bass
  • Stuart Dobbins Drums
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Hold your fire, for you are about to be blown away. There are four young hairy men who hail from the North of England; Leeds to be precise. They call themselves Gentleman’s Pistols and their mission is to shoot you down with an incendiary attitude and relentless rounds of riffs.

The brandishing of such hyper charged rock artillery has not been witnessed on these shores since the demise of Britain’s golden era of grebo rock, back in the heady daze of 1972. Imagine the rawness of Sir Lord Baltimore with the heavy groove of Free. Add to it the melodic styling of The Sweet’s heavy B-Sides and you’re getting close to what is unleashed in the music of Gentleman’s Pistols; a sound reminiscent of many of the great unsung bands of that era and with it a completely original and organic freshness of its own.

Before even releasing an album and with just a handful of 7″ only vinyl releases, the Gentleman’s Pistols have already gained themselves a legendary cult status. These guys have been demolishing the toilets up and down the UK ever since their formation in 2003.

So far they have shared the stage with acts as diverse as Scissorfight, Witchcraft, Circulus, Firebird, Leaf Hound & Saviours, and have astonished audiences with their melding of classic Heavy Rock-riffing and convincingly energetic, near punk-rock delivery.

Their odes to self-love, dogging, smack addiction and heavy petting (in the Zoo) reflect the day-to-day existence of these four love-hungry bums, whose lifestyle is completely reflected in the music they make. Politics are not on the agenda here, neither is Head & Shoulders; this is pure unadulterated, no frills, downright dirty, greasy Rock & Roll.